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Brand Architecture

Brand Measurement System

Brand Naming

Campaign Measurement

Customer Research & Analysis

Global Brand Assessment

Marketing Budget & ROI

Value Propositions

Visual Identity Strategy

Webex was the original leading global brand in online collaboration. But it had not been a strategic priority for Cisco and had been underinvested in. The Webex name had been subordinated to Cisco. Then Zoom came on the scene, Covid hit, Microsoft developed Teams. Cisco executive leadership recognized the urgent need to update and reimagine Webex from top to bottom.

While the Cisco engineers updated the technology, we supported Cisco marketing in a complete brand transformation. The foundation was our global measurement of the Webex brand in the rapidly evolving future and competitive context. We used this analysis to make recommendations on all major aspects of the Webex future brand strategy, including the elevation of Webex to hero brand.

The brand was relaunched with a new brand identity and logo and its first campaign for many years, in March 2021. We have put a measurement system in place to track Cisco’s success in reigniting the Webex brand. The results show that the new Webex is on the way up.

Find out how we can help you create Brand Alpha.

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