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Peter is an expert in managing a brand as a discrete business, profit centre and valuable financial asset.

His extensive experience demonstrates that 1) every established business owns (or is) a brand or brands, 2) every brand has real but intangible (and therefore of necessity mostly off-balance-sheet) asset value, 3) that the financial value (BCV Brand Cash Value/FVB Financial Value of a Brand) of any brand can be identified and 4) once measured the value can be grown deploying basic marketing tools for the benefit of the brand owner/shareholder.

Peter calls this phenomenon “the gold under the floorboards of every business”.

In a career spanning many years in a dozen countries, serving shareholders of companies including P&G, Diageo, BP, Silentnight and McDonald’s, he has managed at Board level many dozens of brands – B2C and B2B – as generators of income, profit and financial asset value growth for brand owners. His experience includes both managing big brands and building new brands from scratch with minimum budgets.

Recently, he has studied and researched marketing theory and practice, published academic articles and lectured on the topic to business school undergraduates, postgraduates and MBA students in Cambridge UK.

His mission is 1) to help put marketing management at the centre of business where it belongs, 2) to help put brand management for profit at the heart of marketing management – where it has been since  marketing evolved at P&G 100 years ago (and where it remains to this day in that 175 year old company) and 3) help senior marketing managers into the Boardroom, from which they are widely – and unwisely – excluded in a 21st century which sorely needs their special skills.

Peter describes his work as seeking a “simple and sustainable framework of brand management within which to manage ever growing marketing complexity and deliver value to shareholders”.

Peter has a BA from Oxford, and a MA from Ruskin College.

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