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0:00 Well, hell hello and welcome from Presciant. This specific video is for you ambitious marketing managers who are planning someday to make the final move into the boardroom.

0:10 Right now marketers don’t sit on main boards. Not in the UK. Not in the US. Presciant may be the marketer’s key to that heavily guarded boardroom door, but only if you know the password.

0:23 What’s going on behind that boardroom door? What do the board directors already seated at the table have to do? Lots of distracting stuff for sure, but more than anything, board directors must deliver the goods for shareholders. No fog in the law. Corporate law is very focused. The board must promote the success of the company for the benefit of its shareholders.

0:46 Shareholders own the business. Shareholders hire board directors. Shareholders fire board Directors. Shareholders reward board directors. In the boardroom, shareholders really matter

0:55 So what do shareholders want? Well shareholders are investors. Investors invest money to make money. They expect to get back more money than they put in, ideally lots more.

1:07 They expect their money to grow so the board’s job is quite straightforward: To grow money for shareholders and that’s it.

1:14 So two questions: First do you grow money now? Here’s a job spec for a senior marketing manager: Drive campaigns, develop digital marketing and communication strategies, mine data, analyze market trends, manage budgets, give presentations, communicate, create a calendar of campaigns and events… Grow money for the shareholder is nowhere to be seen.

1:36 So back to the question: Do you grow money for shareholders?

1:42 And the second question: Does the board recognize that you grow money for shareholders? Because until you are recognized as a money maker, you’re going to stay outside that door

1:52 And that’s where we come in. With us, you will make money for shareholders and you will be seen as a rain maker by the shareholders. Presciant is your friend. We can make you a board director.

2:00 So what is Presciant? Put simply, we’re here to help marketers make money for shareholders, money which is stored in a brand.

2:12 Let’s pause a moment to reflect on the pivotal role of brands in business. W marketers easily forget where the center of gravity of marketing lies, especially in the spinning galaxy of the other stuff we do every day. And we sure do plenty.

2:26 We easily forget that at the very heart of marketing lies brand. We know that it is a brand that generates income. We know that it is a brand that delivers premium pricing and profits. And we know that a well-managed brand is worth a lot of cash if the brand is sold.

2:42 A brand stores money. A brand is a real and valuable financial asset. And brands, fellow marketers, are our bag. We know how to create a brand. We know how to build a brand. And we know how to turn a brand into a real and valuable financial asset.

2:58 Presciant is here to remind marketers how to do it. How to build strong brands in a way it’s been done for a long, long time.

3:06 Brand building was first conceived long ago on the banks of the Ohio River. In 1837, Cincinnati Ohio hosted a modest startup named after two young candle makers. Partners in the brand new Proctor and Gamble Company now known as P&G.

3:22 Brands nurtured in the P&G matrix by some estimates are worth some $300 billion today. An individual brand’s cash value can be pretty impressive, too. P&G sold Pringles in 2012 to Kellogg’s for some $3 billion, Duracell in 2014 sold to Warren Buffett for about the same, and their beauty brands Max Factor and Covergirl with a few extras, fetched a cool $13 billion from Coty in 2015.

3:48 There are just four vintage P&G secrets that really count. First, each brand is managed as a discrete business, an independent profit center. Precise brand business objectives are set. Each brand has a brand manager, accountable for delivering on those objectives.

3:55 Second, each brand is weaponized with a strategy of differentiation from competitors. Third, each brand is advertised with a message which must differentiate it. And fourth, each brand’s progress against objectives is tightly tracked measured and monitored

4:24 Our approach distills P&G expertise and provides a reliable toolkit for building brands as financial assets for sets individual brand financial objectives for income, profit, and brand cash value or BCV and objectives for the loyalty building which underpins future revenue flows.

4:39 Weaponizing each brand with a strategy of differentiation. Advertising a brand, differentiating in every medium, and tracking progress versus objectives track loyalty and tracking BCV. It all means money for shareholders.

5:02 Okay, let’s sew this up. How does this get you through the boardroom door? The board doesn’t understand that brands generate income. You do. The board doesn’t understand that brands generate profit. You do. The board doesn’t recognize that brands store money as brand cash value. And you do. The board doesn’t recognize that brands make money for shareholders and you do.

5:24 Presciant is your advocate. We help you put your brand center stage. We help you map out a pathway for making money for the shareholder with your brands. Presciant in your armory doesn’t mean an end to your customer-driven programs, your marketing strategies and plans, your campaigns, data analysis, social media programs, digital knowhow, etc.

5:55 On the contrary, making money with brands needs all of that and more. But put it all together and you can make it through that door. Presciant wraps what you do already into one bundle, which makes the shareholders happy. If you want to know us better, click on our website. Have a great day and see you in the boardroom someday soon!

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